I'm back after an annoying bit of business with my computer's motherboard. Thankfully, it was ONLY the motherboard so no data was lost. At any rate I'm really sorry for how spotty I've been with being...well, AROUND recently. Getting close to graduating from university means my classes are pretty demanding and I've been kind of stressed recently
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PONIES AHEAD. If you hate ponies with a fiery passion you can just skip this entry. If you like ponies, love ponies, are totally indifferent to ponies or dislike ponies but appreciate the work that goes into a figure repaint, read on! ( Read more )
Hello all! In the spirit of Evangelion's usual ridiculous merchandising, I'm here to show off my latest custom creation. Check out the "Stuff I Made" tag if you're interested in more of my original and custom work. ( Now, what's this about a merman...? )
Today I'd like to showcase the completed form of my latest project--special mobile suit LUNA Gundam, Nightmare Moon berserk edition! Yes, I made a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic gundam, you're all free to laugh at me now. Alternatively bronies, gimme a hoof /) ( If you hate ponies you can probably just skip this entry... )